Japji sahib path lyrics in gurmati
Japji sahib path lyrics in gurmati

japji sahib path lyrics in gurmati

In Sikh tradition uses the terms Shiva, Hari, Rama etc. Here the word "Shiva" may be taken to mean Lord Shiva but this is incorrect. The Shabad (hymn), written in the 17th century, is a part of Chandi Charitar Ukti Bilas, a section of the Dasam Granth.

japji sahib path lyrics in gurmati

That, I may teach my mind to only sing your praises.Īnd when the time comes, I should die fighting heroically on the field of battle ||231|| That, I shall have no fear of the enemy when I go into battle and with determination I will be victorious. Translation: Dear God, grant my request so that I may never deviate from doing good deeds. Jab aav ki audh nidan bane att he rann me tabh joojh maro ॥੨੩੧॥ Na daro arr seo jab jaye laro nischey kar apni jit karo ॥Īrr Sikh ho apne he mann ko, eh laalach hou gun tau ucharo ॥ And to always know and be certain that Waheguru will always be their support and that victory in the end will without doubt be theirs:

japji sahib path lyrics in gurmati

To give no consideration or thought as to the size, strength or magnitude of the enemy in front of you - It may be 1 opponent or 125,000 opponents – the Khalsa's faith and trust is only with Waheguru and no one else. The Khalsa has to be prepared at all times to willingly and consistently behave in the most impartial and just manner and to always undertake to carry out righteous and Gurmat acts to never have any fear or show even the slightest hesitation when taking such actions to never flinch from stepping in front of the enemy to protect the poor, weak and needy of the world - to never have any apprehension or anxiety from the righteous fight ahead. One must never shirk from conducting oneself in the most upright and considerate possible manner. He shows in the following Shabad the qualities that makes one fit to become part of his world mission called the Khalsa Panth - To live with courage and bravery to the highest levels of righteousness. This is one of the most celebrated and widely quoted hymns by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru. Sikhism is the only religion with it’s own national anthem. The Sikh national anthem was written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Japji sahib path lyrics in gurmati