What is Rosetta 2? Rosetta 2 is a translation process that enables M1 and M2 Macs to run apps built for Intel-based Macs. PS: You can activate the FPS counter in-game by opening the console and typing “cl_showfps”. Go to: Properties > Betas > Chromium + 64-bit binaries.

Just make sure you opt-in to the beta program on Steam and select “Chromium + 64-bit binaries” if you want to play it on an Apple Silicon Mac. The game is still exclusively written for Intel-based Macs, but thanks to Rosetta 2, Garry’s Mod can nonetheless run great on M1 and M2 Macs. Garry’s Mod runs on M1 Macs with Apple Silicon via Rosetta 2. We usually aim for 30 FPS (frames per second) because 30 FPS is enough to guarantee a smooth and fluid experience for the average casual gamer.